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Shiftsmart's anti-fraud policy

Anti-Fraud Policy

To ensure shifts are available to reliable workers, we are implementing a stricter anti-fraud policy:

You Must Complete Your In-Shift Tasks:

  • All in-shift tasks must be completed. If you are unable to complete all in-shift tasks, you must report the issue and tell us why you cannot complete your tasks.
  • You can report an issue on your Shift Details screen. If you do not report an issue, your shift may be flagged as fraud.

Your In-Shift Tasks Must be Done At the Time and Location of Your Shift

  • All in-shift tasks, including taking and uploading photos, must be completed at the time and location of your shift.
  • Taking photos pretending to do in-shift tasks is considered fraud.
  • Using someone else's photos or reusing the same photo is considered fraud.
  • Using the same photo for multiple tasks on the same shift is considered fraud.

If Your Shift is Flagged for Fraud:

  • Approval and payment will be delayed for manual review.
  • If fraud is confirmed, the shift will be rejected, and you will not be paid.
  • Depending on the severity, you may be temporarily suspended or permanently banned.
  • You can appeal the decision.

By accepting shifts with Shiftsmart, you agree to these terms.

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